
Chromoblastomycosis Caused by Rhinocladiella aquaspersa

Jae Bok Jun,Jee Young Park,Do Won Kim,Soon Bong Suh
Epub 2016 February 20

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Chromoblastomycosis is a rare disease in Korea and a total of 7 cases have been reported until now. The causative agents were Fonsecaea pedrosi in 5 cases and Phialophora verrucosa in 1 case. Rhinocladiella (R.) aquaspersa is a very rare etiologic agent and only a few cases of chromoblastomycosis due to this fungus have been reported in the Central and South Americas. We report a case of chromoblastomycosis caused by R. aquaspersa in a 52-year-old woman. The lesion was an erythematous, verrucous plaque on the abdomen, 2×1.3 cm in size, and had developed for 6 months before presentation without a traumatic history. She was successfully treated with itraconazole 200 mg/day for 4 months together with surgical excision without recurrence.


Chromoblastomycosis Rhinocladiella aquaspersa

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