
A Case of Ingrown Toenail Associated with Tinea Unguium Treated with K-D® Wire


Ingrown toenail is a common disorder resulting from various etiologies including excessive external pressure, ill-fitting footwear, and improper nail-trimming techniques. Patients commonly present with pain in the affected nail but with progression, drainage, infection and difficulty walking occur. It is often difficult to manage and frequently recurs, despite the multitude of treatment techniques that have been reported. Conservative therapy is a reasonable approach in patients with a mild to moderate ingrown toenail that do not have significant pain, substantial erythema, or purulent drainage from the lateral nail edge. We report a case of ingrown toenail in a 45-year-old female treated with K-D® wire, a corrective device. After application of K-D® wire for 3 weeks, ingrown toenail healed and the nail deformity was



Corrective device Ingrown toenail K-D® wire Tinea unguium

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