
A Case of Pityriasis Versicolor Atrophicans

Dan Bi Lee,Woong Suk Chae,Ha Na Jung,Yu Sung Choi,Ho Seok Suh
Epub 2016 February 17

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We report a case of pityriasis versicolor atrophicans in a 20-year-old woman who presented with chronic multiple brownish atrophic macules and patches on chest and back. The lesions had developed six years ago and the patient had used topical medication including steroid ointments for the last two years prior to visiting our clinic. KOH examination was positive, so skin biopsy was performed and the diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor atrophicans was made. Since our patient had applied topical steroids for some time, it was difficult to rule out steroid-induced atrophy in a common tinea versicolor. Also, differential diagnosis was performed with respect to other skin diseases manifesting with cutaneous atrophy including anetoderma.


Atrophy Pityriasis versicolor

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