
Duration Required for Negative Conversion of KOH Mount in Toenail Onychomycosis According to the Clinical Factors and Treatment Regimens

Jun-Oh Paek,Myung-Seung Kang,Joung-Soo Kim,Hee-Joon Yu
Epub 2016 February 17

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Background: Onychomycosis is one of the most common diseases of the nails accounting for up to 50% of all nail problems. There are many literatures on the cure rate and duration for complete cure according to the various factors. However, little information is available regarding duration required for negative conversion of KOH mount.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the duration required for negative conversion of KOH mount in patients with toenail onychomycosis according to the clinical factors and treatment regimens.

Methods: Medical records of 325 patients with onychomycosis between May 2001 and February 2012 were reviewed retrospectively to obtain the following information: age, sex, presence of diabetes mellitus (DM), extent of nail involvement, therapeutic methods, and result of KOH mount at each timepoint.

Results: Extent of nail involvement, old age (≥60) and DM were negatively associated with the duration required for conversion of KOH mount. Extent of nail involvement also negatively affected the rate of conversion of KOH mount at week 48. Positive KOH mount at week 28 was negatively associated with complete cure.

Conclusions: Extent of nail involvement, old age, and DM can prolong the duration required for negative conversion of KOH mount. Also, positive KOH mount at week 28 had negative effect on the cure of onychomycosis.


Duration KOH Onychomycosis Rate

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