
Two Cases of Fungal Granuloma Caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Sang Hoon Park,Kwang Hoon Lee,Dongsik Bang,Jung Bock Lee
Epub 2016 February 25

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Dermatophytes have been demonstrated infrequently in the dermis, subcutis, lymph nodes, bones and other tissues. A few cases of deep granulomatous cutaneous infections due to dermatophytes have been reported, but Trichophyton mentagrophytes are extremely rare. We report two cases of T. mentagrophytes infection showing unusual granulomatous manifestations. A 63-year-old woman presented with multiple erythematous patches and nodules on both arms and lower extremities for 3 months. The second patient was a 69-year-old man who had erythematous annular plaques on the dorsum of the left hand for 4 months. Histopathologic examinations of the skin lesions of both patients showed chronic granulomatous inflammation with fungal elements. The biopsy specimens yielded T. mentagrophytes on culture. The skin lesions were cured after administration of itraconazole.


Dermatophyte Fungal granuloma Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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