
Tinea Barbae due to Trichophyton verrucosum: Report of 3 Cases


Although there has been recently noted a nation-wide spread of Trichophyton verrucosum infection in cattle associated with promoted stock raising and dairy farming, there were no case reports in Korean dermatologic literature describing the characteristic clinical features of tinea barbae caused by that particular fungus. We report 3 cases of tinea barbae due to T. verrucosum that developed in male stock farmers breeding cattle. One Patient acted 37, experienced acutely inflamed boggy tumors on the chin and sub-mandible. The others aged 43 and 46 experienced inflammatory lesions with multiple follicular pustules, crusts and loss of hairs on their upper lips. They were successfully treated with oral griseofulvin and local antifungal ointment combined with short-term oral antibiotics or corticosteroid for about one month.


Tinea barbae Trichophyton verrucosum

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