
A Case of Cutaneous Mucormycosis

Si Yong Kim,Young Jo Kim,Byoung Soo Chung
Epub 2016 February 24

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Mucormycosis occurs primarily in patients with severe underlying illness, especially leukemia, lymphoma, and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Cutaneous mucormycosis is somewhat less frequently associated with systemic illness than other forms of mucormycosis. The associated mortality is significantly less than that related to rhinocerebral form. More recent reports have shown that primary cutaneous mucormycosis has emerged as an important form of the disease. It develops where a break in the integrity of the skin has occurred as a result of surgery, bum, or other forms of trauma. We report a case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis in a healthy person without systemic illness, which was successfully treated with amphotericin B therapy for 2 weeks. 


Amphotericin B Cutaneous mucormycosis

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