
Two Cases of Childhood Candidal Vulvovaginitis Due to Sexual Abuse

Hoon Hur,Tchae Sik Nam
Epub 2016 February 24

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In order to emphasize the possibility of acquiring childhood candidal vulvovaginitis by sexual abuse, we report two cases of childhood candidal vulvovaginitis due to sexual abuse. The case 1 was a 6-year-old girl and the other case was a 7-year old girl. In these cases, the vulvas and vaginal walls were erythematous, edematous, pruritic and eroded. The diagnoses were confirmed by clinical picture and the 10% KOH preparation of vaginal discharge. The treatment of these patients were done by oral itraconazole for 1 week with successful results. 


Childhood candidal vulvovaginitis Sexual abuse

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