
A Case of Trichophytion mentagrophytes Infection Probably Transmitted from Hamster


Hamster is mammal which belongs to the rodent family, usually small in size and frequently nocturnal in their habits and small pet kept in many countries today. We report a case of Trichophyton(T.) mentagrophytes infection probably transmitted from hamster. A 11-year-old girl was presented with a 1 month history of pruritic 3x2 cm-sized erythematous scaly papular patch on the left posterior thigh. Culture from a thigh lesion of patient on Sabouraud dextrose agar showed T. mentagrophytes. One hundred mg of itraconazole per day for 15 days was tried and skin lesion was improved without recurrence. 


Hamster Trichophyton mentagrophytes infection

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