
Distribution of Fungus Spores in Indoor and Outdoor Air

Kyu Earn Kim
Epub 2016 February 22

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The number of fungus spores in the air is greater compared to that of pollen and also is less influenced by season. Recently there is increasing interest in the role of fungus as an allergen and causative factor of sick building syndrome. There are several kinds of samplers for the collection of fungus spore in outdoor and/or indoor air such as Durham sampler, rotorod sampler, personal volumetric air sampler, seven-day recording volumetric spore trap, and portable air sampler for agar plates. Because personal volumetric air sampler is small, rechargeable and volumetric equipment, it is suitable for air sampling indoors. Portable air sampler for agar plates is useful for fungus culture from indoor and

outdoor air. According to the results of our study on distribution of fungus spores in indoor and outdoor air by using personal volumetric air sampler, Cladosporium and Leptosphaeria were common spores in indoor and outdoor air. The number of spores in indoor air was closely correlated with that in outdoor air. Therefore it would be necessary to establish a standard method for collecting the fungus spores. We need to perform the nationwide study on distribution of fungus spores using this method, and to evaluate the allergenicity of fungus spores.


Fungus spores Sampler Indoor air Outdoor air Personal volumetric air sampler

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