
A Case of Primary Cutaneous Infection of the Burn Scar by Aspergillus niger

Jung Dae Kang,Dong O You,Nyoung Hoon Youn,Seok Don Park
Epub 2016 February 22

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A 61-year-old healthy breeder presented with three punched out, purulent ulcers surrounded by erythematous indurated plaque on the burn scars of the dorsum of the right upper arm and hand which were developed at six months prior to visit. Aspergillus niger was isolated from the pus and tissue pieces in three consecutive cultures. After eight weeks therapy with oral itraconazole, purulent ulcers were healed leaving fibrotic scars. We report a rare case of primary cutaneous aspergillosis by A. niger in a healthy man.


Primary cutaneous aspergillosis Burn scar Aspergillus niger

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