
A Case of Diffuse Black Dot Tinea Capitis Caused by Trichophyton tonsurans


"Black dot" tinea capitis is a clinical form of tinea capitis, which is a dermatophytosis of the scalp and associated hair. It is caused by the anthropophilic endothrix organisms. We report a case of black dot tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton(T.) tonsurans in an 18-year-old woman who is a judoist in the college. She had suffered from a diffuse hair loss involving nearly entire scalp hair for 1 year. The scalp lesion showed diffuse multiple black dots with minimal inflammatory sign or scales. KOH examination revealed arthroconidia of endothrix pattern. On mycological studies, T. tonsusrans was identified. She was treated with oral itraconazole pulse therapy (2 cycles) and ketoconazole shampoo.


Trichophyton tonsurans Black dot tinea capitis Hair loss

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