
A Case of Ecthyma like Tinea Corporis by Microsporum canis Infection


Microsporum(M.) canis is one of the zoophilic dermatophytes that is most likely transmitted by contact of infected animals. Cats are the principal reservoir for M. canis in Korea although with less frequency this fungus is also common in dogs. M. canis infections were mostly composed of tinea(T.) capitis, T. faciei and T. corporis. Clinical manifestations were single or multiple well-demarcated, annular shaped, erythematous scaly patches. But when the lesions were distorted by treatment, we should differenciate with other skin diseases. A 21 years old woman had multiple crusted, eroded or ulcerated lesions on the arms, trunk that look like ecthyma. And single lesion on the left chest showed

scanty scaly lesion. M. canis was caltivated from the ecthyma like lesion and a cat of the patient. We report a patient with T. corporis by M. canis infection occurred to ecthyma like lesion after topical treatment for 3 months.


Micosporum canis Tinea corporis Ecthyma

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