
A Case of Kerion Celsi Caused by Trichophyton tonsurans

Woo Tae Ko,Soo Ho Kim,Moo Kyu Suh,Gyoung Yim Ha,Jung Ran Kim
Epub 2016 February 19

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We report a case of kerion celsi caused by Trichophyton(T.) tonsurans in a 14-year-old student of a middle school wrestling team. The lesion was on the scalp for 1 month and 6.5×5.0×1.0 cm sized, markedly inflammatory, swollen, boggy pus exuding plaque. Culture from the scalp lesion of the patient on Sabouraud dextrose agar showed T. tonsurans. The patient was treated with 250 mg of terbinafine daily for 12 weeks and short term therapy of low dose

of prednisolone. Skin lesions were completely cured and recurrence is not observed to date.


Kerion celsi Trichophyton tonsurans

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