
A Case of Skin Infection due to Scedosporium apiospermum Treated with Voriconazole


Scedosporium(S.) apiospermum has been isolated from polluted water, soil, sewage and potted plants in a hospital with low virulence. The localized skin infection due to S. apiospermum is rare and usually results from traumatic implantation of contaminated material due to a penetrating injury. We report a case of skin infection due to S. apiospermum in a 78-year-old female. She had multiple nodules, pustules and exudative ulcerative lesions at the right forearm. Cultured isolation for definitive diagnosis showed typical S. apiospermum. Treatment was started with itraconazole effectively, but skin lesions were recurred after 4 months, and then cured with voriconazole with no recurrence.


Scedosporium apiospermum Skin infection Itraconazole Voriconazole

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