
Treatment for Two Cases of Acne Vulgaris with Rubus coreanus Miquel Extract

Dong Ha Kim,Seung-Woo Kang,Beom Joon Kim
Epub 2016 February 18

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Bokbunja (Rubus Coreanus Miquel) is a wild berry to Rosaceae genus of which application areas have been expanded due to many health effects. Bokbunja contains carbohydrates, protein, fats and dietary fibers as major components and various flavonoids such as tannins, volatile components including organic acids, alcohols and hydrocarbons as minor ones. Those active compounds attribute to increase in immune function, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Recently pure compounds have been isolated from the extracts for the development of medicines. We report here on two cases of acne vulgaris that was successfully treated with Rubus Coreanus Miquel extracts.


Acne Propionibacterium acnes Rubus coreanus Miquel

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