
Superficial Cutaneous Candidiasis

Moo Kyu Suh,Kyu Joong Ahn,Byung In Ro
Epub 2016 February 23

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Candidiasis is an acute or chronic infection caused most commonly by Candida albicans and occasionally by other species of the genus Candida. The superficial cutaneous candidiasis is varied; oral Candidiasis, perieche, candidal vulvovaginitis, candidal balanitis, candidal intertrigo, erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica, perianal candidiasis, candidal paronychia, candidal onychia, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, congenital cutaneous candidiasis, and candidid. Diagnosis can be made by typical appearance of the clinical lesions and the presence of satellite vesicopustules. This can be confirmed by KOH examination and culture of skin scrapings. Treatment is the correction of predisposing factors, topical therapy of imidazoles and/or systemic administration of itraconazole or fluconazole. 


Superficial cutaneous candidiasis

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