
A Case of Trichophytic Granuloma of the Leg Caused by Trichophyton rubrum


Dermatophytes usually do not invade beyond the epidermis. However, mechanical breakage of the skin resulting from scratching or trauma and immunocompromised state, such as diabetes mellitus, lymphoma, and long term steroid use may allow penetration of the fungi into dermis. We report a case of trichophytic granuloma of the thigh caused by Trichophyton(T.) rubrum in a 21-year-old chinese male, who showed a pruritic, 17×10 cm sized, erythematous to brownish patch with multiple papules on the left thigh for 3 months. Fungal culture of the biopsy specimen grew out typical white cottony colonies of T. rubrum. Histopathologic examination of the skin lesions showed chronic granulomatous inflammation and fungal elements in the dermis. After one month of itraconazole therapy (200 mg/day),

lesions were completely cleared.


Trichophytic granuloma Thigh Trichophyton rubrum

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