
Superficial Dermatomycosis and the Causative Agents in Korea

Soo Jung Jang,Kyu Joong Ahn
Epub 2016 February 20

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Dermatophytes invades and destroys keratinized tissue of the skin, hairs and nails by keratinase. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of dermatomycosis are changed under the various influences such as geographic factor, social environment and development of therapy. Infections caused by some 10 species of dermatophytes isolated since 1924 in Korea. There was a general rise in the cases of Trichophyton(T.) rubrum infections and in recent years the prevalence of Microsporum(M.) canis infections has markedly increased but those of M. ferrugineum have decreased. The yeasts of genus Malassezia are dimorphic and lipophilic and are numbers of the normal flora in humans. Malassezia yeasts are implicated in various diseases, including pityriasis versicolor, Malassezia folliculitis, seborrheic

dermatitis and systemic fungal infections.


Dermatomycosis Causative agents

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