
Diagnoses and Differential Diagnoses of Superficial Mycoses

Baik Kee Cho
Epub 2016 February 22

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The diagnoses of superficial mycoses such as dermatophytosis, cutaneous candidiasis and Malassezia infections are relatively easy, and direct smear with KOH and culture with Sabouraud's dextrose agar media are the most useful and valuable methods. Recently, the incidence of onychomycosis has been increasing and some other diagnostic methods, especially for onychomycosis, and their significance has been introduced and investigated. This review was focused especially on the findings and significance of histopathologic and KONCPA methods (KOH Treated Nail Clippings Stained with PAS) for the diagnosis of onychomycosis. Summaries and brief comments were also made for the findings and significance of other diagnostic methods as well as for the differential diagnoses of superficial mycoses.


KONCPA Histopathology Superficial mycosis Onychomycosis

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