
Plate Medium Findings of Trichophyton mentagrophytes



Fungal culture Plate medium Slant medium Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Trichophyton mentagrophytes is a zoophilic or anthro- pophilic dermatophyte, known as second most frequent causative agent of dermatophytosis after T. rubrum1,2. T. mentagrophytes are classified into granular type, powdery type, persicolor type, and downy type3.

Plate medium and slant medium employed in fungal culture have various advantages and disadvantages clinically. The plate medium is filled with agar and other substrates, and the shape, color, and morphology of the colony can be detected easily compared to the slant medium, making it more appro- priate for species identification. However, the drawback is a larger surface area than slant medium, so it is challenging to store for a long time due to faster evaporation, and a higher risk of contamination.

Fungal culture can be conducted in Sabouraud's dextrose agar, and yellowish-brown to reddish-brown reverse staining found on the plate medium is a characteristic finding of T. mentagrophytes (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, other plate medium results of T. mentagrophytes include: white to bright yellow or pink on the front (Fig. 1B) and red-brown to gray-yellow color on the reverse side. Periphery morphology is fine saw teeth shape.

Characteristic findings of T. mentagrophytes on plate medium are flat, white to cream, powdery to the granular colony on the frontal side, and reverse pigmentation which is yellow-brown to reddish-brown color on the reverse side. In particular, plate medium has more advantages for identifying T. mentagrophytes colony because the pattern on the back side cannot be found in slant medium. Therefore, plate media is better than slant medium when the clinician needs to identify and purify the colony.

Figure 1. (A) Colonies of T. mentagrophytes on plate medium, reverse side (Petri dish filled with Sabouraud's dextrose agar). This picture shows reverse side of plate medium, in which the yellow-brown to reddish-brown color of T. mentagrophytes. (B) The front side of the plate medium. This picture reveals a whitish powdery type colony of T. mentagrophytes on plate medium at 25℃ for 2 weeks.


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2. Kim JA, Takahashi Y, Tanaka R, Fukushima K, Nishimura K, Miyaji M. Identification and subtyping of Trichophyton mentagrophytes by random amplified polymorphic DNA. Mycoses 2001;44:157-165
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3. Kim WJ, Kim JG, Choi JH, Shin DH, Choi JS, Kim KH, et al. Classification and Typing of Trichophyton mentagrophytes Isolated from a Korean population. Korean J Med Mycol 2017;22:1-14
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