
Two Cases of Dermatophytosis in Patients with Psoriasis


Psoriasis and tinea corporis have similar lesions that scaly erythematous patches, plaques and papules, and dermatophytosis have been considered rare in psoriasis. So, when the psoriatic lesion is resistant to conventional treatments, we regard worsening condition of psoriasis. It is difficult for us to diagnose dermatophytosis in the patient with psoriasis, when the lesion is atypical by steroid application. We report two cases of dermatophytosis in psoriatic patients. They had scaly lesions that suggested worsening of psoriasis but were not respond to conventional treatments. We found many hyphae on KOH examination from the lesions and isolated and identified Trichophyton rubrum on fungal culture. It is necessary for physicians to check dermatophytosis in patients who had atypical lesions or not better with conventional treatments.


Dermatophytosis Psoriasis

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